911 Whos to blame
911 a hard look.
Let us put a side the thousands of people that die and the implication of loosing a pair of buildings on our ground , America, by foreigns forces that do not care about innocent bystanders in order to make their point or call attention to themselves. I try and it is not easy. So where to start? At the beginning.
The date is October 12, 2000, the ship name is USS Cole and the explosion of the small boat with the high explosive on a suicide run was conducted it by an Al-Qaeda extremist Islamic "Ibrahim al-Thawr and Abdullah al-Misawa". This is the first successful action by the group of extremist. The investigation that took place after was the equal of sweeping it under the rug by the incoming administration and by consequence, a clear sign to the Al-Qaeda group that if similar actions are taken the same thing will happen again , I believe the term is called "Business as Usual".
The FBI took over the investigation that led to a curious set of events that let some people see what happened or should I say took place. I chose the latter comment due to the unfortunate destiny of the crime investigator Jonh O'neil , after being frustrated by how the incident was handle by the government , decided to quit the FBI short of retirement and found work in the private sector. Due to a strange twist of fate he end up, literally, as a chief of security on the world trade center towers buildings in New York city. He was on duty the September 11.2001. I will call this a twist of fate.
In truth is a long strings of events led to the disaster, like the bombing of the same towers the 2 years before, the al-Qaeda website with the picture of the New York sky line and a pair of towers in flame in it that I believe is still at their site, to which I have to say the government failed to either realize or to simply ignored. Due to the history of the event and who was involve in it I have to say, "business as usual".
The signs are there. To see the truth all you have to do, as I did, is simply spend some time at your local library or in front of the computer and search for the information which is better than looking for naked figures.
By the way there is a rumor on the Web saying that the reason all these porno sites are allowed to surface is to keep a distraction going on as not to use the Internet for more serious work, just a rumor I guess.
It may be a narrow vision of the events that took place in the history of our nation and I must have left out a whole lot in this article but the incident now is almost an issue of most advertisements and propaganda late at night with memorabilia coins and flags to sell.
The point is that the people involved or responsible for the incident are not caught 5 years after the fact, it says a great deal of the way things are being handled.
Why am I writing this article? The time of this writing is 0833 September 7 ,2006. I always have been proud of myself saying something of events to come, because it is simple to look at history and recognize similarities in events. I 'm not saying something is going to happen on September 11,2006, but caution is in order at this time. After all, it is the history of the date that I am concern about.
Incidents like this I like to think of the Samurai way, the "warriors" way.
I guess Sun Tzu was right in saying it is a way of life.
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