
This section is for concepts on my mind and for study of today in history. Science and practical common sense with attitude.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Einstein- part 2 of the Time article

Einstein, a perfect example of "is not what you got, but how you use it that counts"

According to some scientist, the difference in survival of the Neanderthal and humans is the way we think, this is due to the believe that the Neanderthal never change their tools, for about a million years and we did not. We evolve in our way of thinking. Personally, I do not think so, but that is another article.

Einstein is in a group I like to call the "advance imagination". He has the brain that we all humans have but he did it "his way".
This way of thinking theory help explain things like; talking birds, counting horses and sign language gorillas among other things.

In reference of time, which is why this article was written (part 1 in an early article), we already establish the concept of time as an idea or not a real thing, but a way of looking at the constant movement of matter. This is were a "face of time" that I mention before in the other article shows up. When Einstein is talking about the "light speed" he is talking about the constant of the movement of matter in the universe. "Nothing goes faster than the speed of light in this universe", Mr. Einstein says. An that I agree with, but not in the same sense that people think. This is because most people in the 1940's and 50's did not thought of the possibility of other universes or what scientist this day call "multi-verse". In reality the "Multiverse" are not divide, what separate then, if you want to call it that, is the speed of the constant in matter, our universe is the same spectrum and frequency as the light we see, not the color or how fast it goes, but how far the particle physically travel in a given constant and how the subparticles filaments vibrate in this universe. That is way nothing goes faster than light because it will "fall" in to other multiverse. You say "Potatoes I say Potatos"

To much?


Let us put the theories or fancy stories down and concentrate on what Einstein call a more important thing: "Imagination"

You are retuning back to your house after a long hard day at the office, riding in you state of the art bicycle, as Einstein did in his days. You then get cut on a tail wind as you pass a wheat field by the side of the road. This sensation feels good to the point that you extend your hands to act as a "sail" to catch most of the wind so it pushes you as you go down the road. As you turn your head to catch sight of the pattern created by the passing wind over the wheat field you notices for just a second that the wave of the wind in the field catch up to your velocity in the bicycle and then as you are ridding the wind or surf, it look like the rest of the world is standing still. It is quite a funky sensation I had in my bicycling days, which I still do occasionally, but not according to my wife.

I know is a long story but this is were it comes to the end.

Einstein proof mathematically that ridding the waves of air was not an illusion, he did ride the wave and by doing so discover that time was relative to the observer point of view or how we perceive the constant of the movement of matter relative to the speed of light.
Think for a second that the universe is not 0 to 60 in velocity, is more like 60 to 0, the farther away you are from the speed of light in relation to velocity the more we are subject to the Laws of this universe and that include, time.

I am hopping at this point that weird sensation of awareness an enlightenment is working up the back of your head.

Is a weird feeling isn't it?



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