
This section is for concepts on my mind and for study of today in history. Science and practical common sense with attitude.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Gravity :

I have to be careful on this subject, many people have try to come close to even a thought of this theme and most got laugh out of existence in the community.

I was thinking about the efforts of scientist to come up with a conclusive idea on what really is gravity and how does this can be put into an equation. So here is the thought I had, gravity is the resonance vibration of the link between atoms, sore of the after echo of the normal bind between normal matter in which collectedly forms a weak force known as gravity.

Now this is the way I came to this conclusion and is something of a mystery for me.

Wave and vibration have always have a deep fascination for me, not only as a attractive pattern in the surface of the water but to my amazement a 3 dimensional maze as a sound wave. To these day I still remember when I figure out that both wave of water and air were the same thing in different substance. Them came the mind blower, I realize that light is the same thing. This last one was important to me, because as a musician playing to the sound of harmonics in different notes or cords as we call it, I am very sensitive to strings that are not in tune. You usually get an after echo that we call "off tune" and anybody that have listen to a bad singer will tell you that not only is it bad to listen but it since to be recognize by animals as well, now here is the kicker, Why?
Why we recognize a bad note right away? and although good harmony is a well and direct link to emotions that not only recall our thinking but our physical behavior. Our heart relaxes and also depends on the synchronism of the cell bit in order to maintain rhythm an although electricity is involve the cell to cell of the heart in experiments have shown that the bit of individual cell is always command by the strongest bit or the largest cluster in the heart of any animal as long as they touch each other. A bad note or off tune is a note that is not in harmony with the other "Waves". This is curious for me because I like to play Jazz and in some musical pieces of Fusion there are some beautiful pieces of music that are off tune on purpose and they do harmonize in a very off way, ear of the beholder I guess.

This let me to the point of view or the point of references or as Einstein will say "the observerpoint of view". The "off tune wave" is something different that came or react with the surrounding in a different way or how is expected to react because of the "normal" reaction. The point I am making is, this behavior of the wave to matter must also be truth for the wave in light and in the bounding of atoms in molecules.

How do I connect one with the other? It took a visit to the dentist and a filling with epoxy coating to realize that when he take the ultraviolet lazer gun for the hardening process of the coating, you know, when the dentist use that little gun with a fiber optic cable attach to it and he looks the other way when he "shoot" into your mouth.
I realize how stupid I was not to realize this before since I have work in photography and the photochemical reaction of the silver to light which is enhance with the developer solution to produce dark patches or cluster of silver crystals than when reverse produce photographs . Not to mentions plants, the ordinary green leave that when expose to sun light create a reaction that permits the development of sugars in the leave as glucose or starch.
Light waves can react with matter or particles to create reactions in substances or chemical reactions and I do mean "light waves" because only certain frequencies of light react with certain substances.
Ultraviolet with epoxy at the dentist, visible light with silver in photos and plants to create food. In essence the wave of anything will have a reaction in the substance and the "harmony" of this reactions can create other reactions but not necessary in the same substance. A very brute example of this wave phenomenon will be a supernova, I am pretty sure the neighbor planet in orbit do not appreciated the exploding wave if you happen to be in the solar system that the star exploded. An not to overkill the example, the ignition of a exploding star is a wave of compression as gravity that overcomes the nuclear forces and the dense materials get compress as the star collapse. A giant nuclear bomb.
What is this have to do with gravity? It have to deal with the "the string theory", if you never hear of it is the theory that says that matter at its lowest levels is compose of sub particles that resembles string that vibrates in different frequencies or tunes together to form a clusters of matter. The last I heard, there was a female scientist whom thought that gravity was a force that was from another dimension and the effects that we feel in this dimension wear the after effects of this forces, this thinking is due to the weakness of the force of gravity, it is very weak compare to the other forces like electricity, electromagnetism, etc.
I do not think gravity is in another dimension as much as being the sub harmony of the normal attraction of simple atoms or the particles that matter is compose of. Together in some sort of"off tune" or "mix harmony" they form what we understand is gravity. Instead of being a wave that expands, this wave is a imploding or negative wave that promotes attraction between matter of this universe This is what I believe is what compose the attractions of planets and particles in this universe. I say this universe because

I have the suspicions that gravity of this universe may react different in another, more like a repellent force and probably were the opposite of a black hole a "white hole" exist.

The way to verify this will be to produce a wave generator that disturb this harmony in a control fashion, I do not think I will like to be around if something goes wrong and I do mean the planet. It may be plain imagination but a "generator" of this kind will can easily also disturb the bind of the atoms and we know what happens when matter splits apart very quickly.
Let me put it this way, a atomic bomb is a small amount or the surface of an element that happens to be able to sustain the cascade wave of chain reaction of particles hitting the nuclear center of the matter in this case uranium or plutonium. The wave I am talking about will instantly make everything turn or separate in to simple atoms. This will happen if the wave is not exact to react with gravity. An approximation, a gallon of water should have enough energy at the sub particle level to blow a hole the size of halve the United States in the planet.With this in mind I say be careful if you want to build the famous hover car from the movies withanti-gravity pods.

The thing of this, theory, according to the Big Bang, the universe that came about was originally in two parts, matter and antimatter, the collisions of this left a "left over" that we know as the known universe, or the matter that is left over in a imperfect collision. In my mind this looks like a waste. I suspect that both are still hear, matter and anti-matter and we the "left over" are of the interaction at different levels were gravity being the force that separates and attracts as it travels as waves through the universes. If there were something like a collision of giant blackholes were to take place, it will create a natural disruption of gravity were galaxies could accelerate, time will be in a different form were it may seams like universe is accelerate as the time wave travels or should I say the "event horizon" travels, time and gravity will be disrupted to the observers at both ends of the wave.
This leaves the end and the last part, the equation. As much as I will like to have the know how to even imaging such a thing, I will leave this for the scientist and theologies whom I wish good luck in either proof or disproof of this idea of my, but please do not ignore, the consequences are to high.

Good luck



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