
This section is for concepts on my mind and for study of today in history. Science and practical common sense with attitude.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

April 18, 2007

Buffalo Mentality :

I must explain, the concept was first thought , although by accident, by the famous “Buffalo Bill” Cody who was asked why did he stop hunting buffaloes? He explained that after many years he got tired of killing such a dumb animal. Most of the time if you shoot a buffalo from a distance it simply falls on its stomach and the other buffalo simply look at the dead animal and continue eating.

Why do I bring this up? I was watching the incident at Virginia Technical College and I thought this will be an excellent opportunity to drop a topic that I being meaning to explain for a long time about human behavior in this country.

I have no doubt that the decision by the University President Charles Steger was strictly convenience, even though the decision was not his to make on a murder investigation regardless whether it was on campus or not. If he had problems making a decision, which obviously he did, all he had to do was dial 7 little numbers on his cell phone or local telephone to the sheriff office and ask for the appropriate route of decision, that is what they are there for. Just because the campus have their own police department does not mean they have the man power or objectivity to make a decision that puts at risk other individuals lives and simply view the incident as a “pass by” and willing to risk the lives of more people at the risk of bad publicity to the institution. If this sounds so familiar to the paragraph above, that is because it is. In essence they look the other way when 2 people have died and have no smoking gun or suspect. The “Buffalo University President” just looked at the victims and continued biding his time and reacted in the “Buffalo” fashion. If you think I am wrong ,prove it, do something, anything but please do not be a victim of this actions, do not be a “Buffalo”, please.

To the parents of the victims I encourage all of you to find time to get together with a lawyer and find the facts of the incidents. Do not let what happened in the Columbine High School incident happen again, where the incident was wrapped in political red tape, swept under the carpet and kept there for years by a judge whose business was in the wrong interest.

To the rest of the parents who still have children in that institution, please get your children out of that war zone environment, they need an education, not a living memory of a stupid mistake by a single individual.

To the parents of the gunner, Cho Seung-Hui, I have to say, I feel sorry for you, for you to have to live with this shame the rest of your lives.


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