
This section is for concepts on my mind and for study of today in history. Science and practical common sense with attitude.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

I am

To the universe:

I am a very strange creature almost a alien in my native world or so we think. I am aware of the fact that I perceive reality for what I see but my brain has evolve enough to understand that is a perception and not necessarily the truth or reality.

I writing this in hope that the generation to take over soon and hope they survive. Find the things that distracted me and learn to recognize then so to bypass the mistakes that cost me a great deal of time and money to overcame. This is not a competition to the Torah or by definition I do not believe myself as a superior being on the contrary I am a stupid human with all the mistake that one can make.

It is when I feel higher in conscious level in my mind that I realize how much I forget about my heart and how insensitive I became to others and love ones. Yet I am fascinated at how common is this for humans in this society this days . So much potential down the drain. Very much like ants.

I found that humans are the best in times of struggle when like in a War when only surviving against a common enemy can the group focus toward a common goal, the sense of unity is lost this days. There was a time that the word American was sufficient to promote a sense of unity. Now days if anything promotes confusion. A great man once said "Separate we fall, unite we conquer" We are like that, there is no sense of good or evil just conquer or perish.

The reality of the universe elude us because of the narrow spectrum of vision that the eye can see and the program that the brain has develop through evolution in other to analyze the image that the brain receive, as any physiologies that study the human behavior will explain that the human is a easy subject to fool through optical illusion. That can easily be verify with magicians that make a living at it.

We lack the ability to self analyze in real time the forces of the physical and natural laws. This is due to the fact that we are not computers, in evolution terms are just a prototype that recently learn to survive differently than our most close animal in genetics. The abstract concept of thinking or make believe that defines humans that allows us to think in terms of mathematics, arts, music and writing of our language. Is also responsible for our fears like, superstition, politics, crime and fanaticism.

The easies way to control a human is through their addiction, help explain the dramatic use of drugs in a stressful society of the so call civilization.

I am a consequence of the environment, the different of me and the next guy is that I do realize it and take responsibility for it as best that I can and this is like dealing with the devil in a society the keeps forcing the self destruction action on the citizens that exploits in a course of total depletion of natural resources.

A great example are the Spanish conquistadors that fail to realize the value of agriculture of the new world and concentrated only in the material values of gold and silver for their personal gain when the benefits of corn, potatoes and by products of agriculture has proven hundreds of times more valuable in the long run.
The narrow vision of their action is the key of determine the animal from the evolve creature. One will be use as cattle, wile the other will survive in the comfort of is labor for futures ends, to think ahead of today and be able to see the future not as a fiction of superhuman power but as a simple thing as reading about our past and determine by simple common sense that if similar things happen the consequence are the same and we can expect similar result, 1+1=2.
It is an abstract concept but one to proof more reliable than the eyes that we see with. This new ability to see with our mind of things to come is still in its infancy. We as a race has fail to develop and educate our young in the civilization. Concepts like 3 dimensional awareness, high mathematics, light and energy. Takes a second place to sports, vanity and glutenous ambition to forget things like spiritual self awareness, humans as a group and patriotic responsibilities.

I on purpose left out religion due to the killing that has produce and wish a more personal decision left to the individual for the sake of believing in a higher entity such as God Jehovah for me. This will be a personal leap of faith toward a higher search for spiritual comfort to get me by the times that I question my very existence if not my sanity in this society.

As a conclusion of this notes I plan to make a set of articles on the theme of inner verse not universe for the sake reaching the human in all of us that is trying to evolve in to awareness and harmonic stability with the environment to which we are responsible for.

We are the keepers of the planet we name Earth.


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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Black Hilton

Paris Hilton:

Now that it what I call legal black mail for the Hilton Families.

Please, PLEASE do not get me wrong the Prime Donna needs to see what a REAL World is like. A duty that was definitely ignore by both the Father and the Mother, the nanny does not count.

The view in this article is not to crucify the Bitch, an Lord knows is allot of that going on lately but I will like to concentrate in the aspect of under the table money that it is probably working it way right know between the family of the Hilton, which is not a small, and the legal system and subsidiaries like the JUDGE, the clerks, the guard, the roommates, and the more important cast but never mention for the shy services they provide, the one and only Drug Dealers. To which halve if not allot more activities will not be possible in the immediate area of metropolitan Los Angeles if not the lower halve of the State of California with the zero ground of HOLLYWOOD, now that is a desecration if I have ever hear one, wood that is Holy. What a yoke. I have been in the street of the movie land and is nothing but the rival of Madison Square on a hooker night with warmer weather and that is a nice thing to say. I feel sorry for the real decent people of California that try so hard to rise a honest family only to loose it to the glamor or "wannabee" from all corner of this country and pusher of drugs and porno, acting like women in a Friday sale at Walmart, it can only get so cheap and I like Walmart.
One of the most powerful family in the world in reference of prestige and class. Not to mention what is a stake, would you like to go to the Hilton Hotel this days? I mean if you are a Rock star is fine, If you have business and there is money at risk would you like your client to see the mass that the big boss of the company were you are trusting your client is staying, may-bee looking for your benefit or is he stuck on legal battle trying to save her alcoholic daughter from a stupid ticket that she should have known to get out her self by just say no to drugs.
It is allot to swallow but the answer is no. How much money is passing by hands right now just on the little daughters winds of desire in other to make a legal case were the average Jane will be thrown in jail with a promise of the judge will see you next... Month if you behave. If you have any doubt in the subject, feel free to walk the street of Hollywood and ask the ladies or should I say the baby's of the night for legal advice in reference of the facilities of the local jail house and the protocol of how to behave in the presence of the real Holly judge. They are a source wonder of our legal system in action, especially in the difference from a "normal" case and the "High Profile" were the careers are makers or breakers and as the case of the Hilton a money makers for everybody except the Hilton, I feel sorry for the parents of the primadonna but the rule applies, the shorter the stick the rotten the child. I do not like violence in the children but there are ways to bring a child with love and discipline, but there time that the rule must be apply for the benefit of the child. This those not mean violence, if you do please check with your local shrink because you need help. Paris Hilton is a child whom need drug attention, and I am sorry to tell the Hilton family your child is gone.

It is a sorry day for people that it come to this but the people of this country has spoken and Paris have to pay for her action, you can only hope she learns.


P.S. What is what the lawyer call Paris Hilton?

That's Hot


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The unsecured frito

I had the desire to scream after hanging the phone after talking to the FritoLay representative because I could not get a strait answer to my question about the registration page at their site in, Why they do not use a secure server on the registration page? Never mind that the page requires Internet Explore to be view, a browser that is notorious for security leaks but the page use a http:// not a https:// (Secure server) for gathering information of people whom are try to make a better way for their life. Please check it out at and tell me if I am wrong, the link itself will guide you to pepsico site and when you try to register on the career page just check the navigation bar, where you type “http://www.” if you do not see https:// the “s” stand for secure server you are letting the world know all the information you are typing at the page including the password, your age, your name and if the people that if seeing the information need more all they have to do is wait half of an hour for you to type all the information they need for identity theft and enter the site with the password you provide at the registration page.

This is “real live” folks, awake up. Do not let corporate America robe you blind with no responsibility just like the cigarette and oil companies because of stupid mistakes.