
This section is for concepts on my mind and for study of today in history. Science and practical common sense with attitude.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Gravity :

I have to be careful on this subject, many people have try to come close to even a thought of this theme and most got laugh out of existence in the community.

I was thinking about the efforts of scientist to come up with a conclusive idea on what really is gravity and how does this can be put into an equation. So here is the thought I had, gravity is the resonance vibration of the link between atoms, sore of the after echo of the normal bind between normal matter in which collectedly forms a weak force known as gravity.

Now this is the way I came to this conclusion and is something of a mystery for me.

Wave and vibration have always have a deep fascination for me, not only as a attractive pattern in the surface of the water but to my amazement a 3 dimensional maze as a sound wave. To these day I still remember when I figure out that both wave of water and air were the same thing in different substance. Them came the mind blower, I realize that light is the same thing. This last one was important to me, because as a musician playing to the sound of harmonics in different notes or cords as we call it, I am very sensitive to strings that are not in tune. You usually get an after echo that we call "off tune" and anybody that have listen to a bad singer will tell you that not only is it bad to listen but it since to be recognize by animals as well, now here is the kicker, Why?
Why we recognize a bad note right away? and although good harmony is a well and direct link to emotions that not only recall our thinking but our physical behavior. Our heart relaxes and also depends on the synchronism of the cell bit in order to maintain rhythm an although electricity is involve the cell to cell of the heart in experiments have shown that the bit of individual cell is always command by the strongest bit or the largest cluster in the heart of any animal as long as they touch each other. A bad note or off tune is a note that is not in harmony with the other "Waves". This is curious for me because I like to play Jazz and in some musical pieces of Fusion there are some beautiful pieces of music that are off tune on purpose and they do harmonize in a very off way, ear of the beholder I guess.

This let me to the point of view or the point of references or as Einstein will say "the observerpoint of view". The "off tune wave" is something different that came or react with the surrounding in a different way or how is expected to react because of the "normal" reaction. The point I am making is, this behavior of the wave to matter must also be truth for the wave in light and in the bounding of atoms in molecules.

How do I connect one with the other? It took a visit to the dentist and a filling with epoxy coating to realize that when he take the ultraviolet lazer gun for the hardening process of the coating, you know, when the dentist use that little gun with a fiber optic cable attach to it and he looks the other way when he "shoot" into your mouth.
I realize how stupid I was not to realize this before since I have work in photography and the photochemical reaction of the silver to light which is enhance with the developer solution to produce dark patches or cluster of silver crystals than when reverse produce photographs . Not to mentions plants, the ordinary green leave that when expose to sun light create a reaction that permits the development of sugars in the leave as glucose or starch.
Light waves can react with matter or particles to create reactions in substances or chemical reactions and I do mean "light waves" because only certain frequencies of light react with certain substances.
Ultraviolet with epoxy at the dentist, visible light with silver in photos and plants to create food. In essence the wave of anything will have a reaction in the substance and the "harmony" of this reactions can create other reactions but not necessary in the same substance. A very brute example of this wave phenomenon will be a supernova, I am pretty sure the neighbor planet in orbit do not appreciated the exploding wave if you happen to be in the solar system that the star exploded. An not to overkill the example, the ignition of a exploding star is a wave of compression as gravity that overcomes the nuclear forces and the dense materials get compress as the star collapse. A giant nuclear bomb.
What is this have to do with gravity? It have to deal with the "the string theory", if you never hear of it is the theory that says that matter at its lowest levels is compose of sub particles that resembles string that vibrates in different frequencies or tunes together to form a clusters of matter. The last I heard, there was a female scientist whom thought that gravity was a force that was from another dimension and the effects that we feel in this dimension wear the after effects of this forces, this thinking is due to the weakness of the force of gravity, it is very weak compare to the other forces like electricity, electromagnetism, etc.
I do not think gravity is in another dimension as much as being the sub harmony of the normal attraction of simple atoms or the particles that matter is compose of. Together in some sort of"off tune" or "mix harmony" they form what we understand is gravity. Instead of being a wave that expands, this wave is a imploding or negative wave that promotes attraction between matter of this universe This is what I believe is what compose the attractions of planets and particles in this universe. I say this universe because

I have the suspicions that gravity of this universe may react different in another, more like a repellent force and probably were the opposite of a black hole a "white hole" exist.

The way to verify this will be to produce a wave generator that disturb this harmony in a control fashion, I do not think I will like to be around if something goes wrong and I do mean the planet. It may be plain imagination but a "generator" of this kind will can easily also disturb the bind of the atoms and we know what happens when matter splits apart very quickly.
Let me put it this way, a atomic bomb is a small amount or the surface of an element that happens to be able to sustain the cascade wave of chain reaction of particles hitting the nuclear center of the matter in this case uranium or plutonium. The wave I am talking about will instantly make everything turn or separate in to simple atoms. This will happen if the wave is not exact to react with gravity. An approximation, a gallon of water should have enough energy at the sub particle level to blow a hole the size of halve the United States in the planet.With this in mind I say be careful if you want to build the famous hover car from the movies withanti-gravity pods.

The thing of this, theory, according to the Big Bang, the universe that came about was originally in two parts, matter and antimatter, the collisions of this left a "left over" that we know as the known universe, or the matter that is left over in a imperfect collision. In my mind this looks like a waste. I suspect that both are still hear, matter and anti-matter and we the "left over" are of the interaction at different levels were gravity being the force that separates and attracts as it travels as waves through the universes. If there were something like a collision of giant blackholes were to take place, it will create a natural disruption of gravity were galaxies could accelerate, time will be in a different form were it may seams like universe is accelerate as the time wave travels or should I say the "event horizon" travels, time and gravity will be disrupted to the observers at both ends of the wave.
This leaves the end and the last part, the equation. As much as I will like to have the know how to even imaging such a thing, I will leave this for the scientist and theologies whom I wish good luck in either proof or disproof of this idea of my, but please do not ignore, the consequences are to high.

Good luck


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sign of the times

I found myself in a predicament of economics in which I have to get money for the standard reasons, you know food, shelter and bad habits (computers, staying online).
So what is a man to do when he exhausts all of his resources in a hope for the dream of online riches and sees no more options but to work, it is the misery of the thing that gets to me.

I end up on a temporary job.

I know a man of my talents, an associate in programing, self taught in the art of computer design construction and repair (what you get when a geek is alone with a computer manual), expert on airbrushing, photoshop and 3D software for animation. No this is not a resume.

The point is that I when with my head down and hoping for the worst, thinking "it can not be worst than this". the standard procedure is to cry, but not for me after all I am a MAN, sorry I have to wipe the tears from my eyes, can't type with the water coming from my eyes.

I found the situation of dealing with the guys high on "PCP" (they are easy to spot when they are playing with the flashlights light) on my way to the temporary employment office so unnecessary, they since to be everywhere. I continue to the office of temporary work for hire, in there I found not so much the ambiance but the politics of body language and the paperwork of being hired so tense that it could give Christ a reason for a second coming on the stress level alone. The paperwork and the documentation require is like you have to prove you are "there in the flesh" in the office and blood DNA does not count.

After what seems an eternity of questions of behavior for the work space, to determine whether you want to work or you just like to stay in line for hours only to answer questions that you prefer to lie than to give an honest answer. Example:

In a workspace, a coworker decide to shout at you because he did not like you, Will you?
a) hit him with a pipe wrench.
b) tell him that his pants are dragging because of the lack of parental supervision, in a vulgar way.
c) go running to the kiss ass supervisor and cry like a child who lost his teddy bear.
d) none of the above

This will be your typical questions on the work behavior test from a shoe string budget at a low cost temporary hire firm.

It says a lot about you psychology major these days. With this in mind I have to wait even more time for the clerks to assort the incoming crowds of people that I imaging for them to be of heard of confuse cows with no direction to follow.

I have to admit, at first I though they look like they did not like their jobs and are human beings that find themselves in a situation that even they will not hope for their worst enemy. This though I still think to be the truth but with a twist of human fate.

After keeping my cool and listening to several of the conversations coming from the desk, I found out that a peculiar lady has called out once again too many times and the boss has called and wants someone else to take her place on the third shift. I though that is unusual how they call the same thing with different names, were I used to work we call it grave shift.

Time did pass by slowly and just when I was ready to walk out the door, the gentleman at the desk calls me and tells me that he has not forgotten about me and in about 10 minutes he has some construction work he will be sending me to. I ask him about the third shift work position that appears to be open. He explains that because of the relation of the establishment and the company who hires the temporary workers, they do not usually send new workers, but because I have shown a great deal of patience he will give me a break. I was just happy about the time and the fact it was a sit down job at a factory.

One out of two is not bad.

It was from 11:00PM to 0700 in the morning and thought there was a chair involved. I did not really use it in the sense of resting in it.

There is a sense of purpose that come with "going to work" that give you direction and puts all other thing in perspective. I have to admit I have not experience this in a while.

Is a good habit to go to a place early, which I have, not because of self dedication but because I get lost easy, but please do not tell my wife, I have to maintain a level of dignity or what ever left I have. I did found the place and the rest will have to wait because, I have to go to work.

Wow, it starting to work on me, that stupid feeling of responsibility.

Until the next article were I will write about the wonderful sensation of being the new meat in town.


Sunday, September 10, 2006


Einstein- part 2 of the Time article

Einstein, a perfect example of "is not what you got, but how you use it that counts"

According to some scientist, the difference in survival of the Neanderthal and humans is the way we think, this is due to the believe that the Neanderthal never change their tools, for about a million years and we did not. We evolve in our way of thinking. Personally, I do not think so, but that is another article.

Einstein is in a group I like to call the "advance imagination". He has the brain that we all humans have but he did it "his way".
This way of thinking theory help explain things like; talking birds, counting horses and sign language gorillas among other things.

In reference of time, which is why this article was written (part 1 in an early article), we already establish the concept of time as an idea or not a real thing, but a way of looking at the constant movement of matter. This is were a "face of time" that I mention before in the other article shows up. When Einstein is talking about the "light speed" he is talking about the constant of the movement of matter in the universe. "Nothing goes faster than the speed of light in this universe", Mr. Einstein says. An that I agree with, but not in the same sense that people think. This is because most people in the 1940's and 50's did not thought of the possibility of other universes or what scientist this day call "multi-verse". In reality the "Multiverse" are not divide, what separate then, if you want to call it that, is the speed of the constant in matter, our universe is the same spectrum and frequency as the light we see, not the color or how fast it goes, but how far the particle physically travel in a given constant and how the subparticles filaments vibrate in this universe. That is way nothing goes faster than light because it will "fall" in to other multiverse. You say "Potatoes I say Potatos"

To much?


Let us put the theories or fancy stories down and concentrate on what Einstein call a more important thing: "Imagination"

You are retuning back to your house after a long hard day at the office, riding in you state of the art bicycle, as Einstein did in his days. You then get cut on a tail wind as you pass a wheat field by the side of the road. This sensation feels good to the point that you extend your hands to act as a "sail" to catch most of the wind so it pushes you as you go down the road. As you turn your head to catch sight of the pattern created by the passing wind over the wheat field you notices for just a second that the wave of the wind in the field catch up to your velocity in the bicycle and then as you are ridding the wind or surf, it look like the rest of the world is standing still. It is quite a funky sensation I had in my bicycling days, which I still do occasionally, but not according to my wife.

I know is a long story but this is were it comes to the end.

Einstein proof mathematically that ridding the waves of air was not an illusion, he did ride the wave and by doing so discover that time was relative to the observer point of view or how we perceive the constant of the movement of matter relative to the speed of light.
Think for a second that the universe is not 0 to 60 in velocity, is more like 60 to 0, the farther away you are from the speed of light in relation to velocity the more we are subject to the Laws of this universe and that include, time.

I am hopping at this point that weird sensation of awareness an enlightenment is working up the back of your head.

Is a weird feeling isn't it?


Concept of Time

Concept of Time.

This subject is complex in many "faces". Faces of time is whatever you use time for, is it time in your wristwatch? or universal time for world business or navigation as of GPS mapping? Or perhaps the theology of time which I found to be to time consuming. I think I did a funny, “time consuming”, get it?

Ok, not so funny. So let start with the wristwatch.

First remember, Time is a concept, because it was created not discover. I define it as the segmentation of the movement of matter in a constant. Example:

The one rotation of the movement of the earth in its own axis is call a “day”.
A day divide into 24 segments is an “hour”. An hour divide into 60 equal parts is call “minutes”, an same for “seconds” with minutes.

This all started back in the days of religion were they need it to find when was the sun due to rise from the horizon to start their payer and the sunset for several other reasons.

So by definition, the wristwatch in your arm would be of no use in a different planet because the rotation of the earth is unique at least precisely unique. Mars has a similar rotation.

In theology, I find it funny when I hear from articles in magazines that some scientist have discover the “particles of time”. Some related to this as the segmentation of the second in 10 to the minus 23 potency, that will be as the “point” follow by 23 zeros and then the number 1.
What is this mean? This came out of the distance travel by a photon of light traveling by it's own diameter and how long this takes. At least in this universe.

This lead us to a gentlemen by the name of Einstein, but that is a another article hopefully next week.
If God permits.
Oops I think I did another,.. funny? Maybe?...maybe not?


Thursday, September 07, 2006

911 Whos to blame

911 a hard look.

Let us put a side the thousands of people that die and the implication of loosing a pair of buildings on our ground , America, by foreigns forces that do not care about innocent bystanders in order to make their point or call attention to themselves. I try and it is not easy. So where to start? At the beginning.

The date is October 12, 2000, the ship name is USS Cole and the explosion of the small boat with the high explosive on a suicide run was conducted it by an Al-Qaeda extremist Islamic "Ibrahim al-Thawr and Abdullah al-Misawa". This is the first successful action by the group of extremist. The investigation that took place after was the equal of sweeping it under the rug by the incoming administration and by consequence, a clear sign to the Al-Qaeda group that if similar actions are taken the same thing will happen again , I believe the term is called "Business as Usual".
The FBI took over the investigation that led to a curious set of events that let some people see what happened or should I say took place. I chose the latter comment due to the unfortunate destiny of the crime investigator Jonh O'neil , after being frustrated by how the incident was handle by the government , decided to quit the FBI short of retirement and found work in the private sector. Due to a strange twist of fate he end up, literally, as a chief of security on the world trade center towers buildings in New York city. He was on duty the September 11.2001. I will call this a twist of fate.

In truth is a long strings of events led to the disaster, like the bombing of the same towers the 2 years before, the al-Qaeda website with the picture of the New York sky line and a pair of towers in flame in it that I believe is still at their site, to which I have to say the government failed to either realize or to simply ignored. Due to the history of the event and who was involve in it I have to say, "business as usual".

The signs are there. To see the truth all you have to do, as I did, is simply spend some time at your local library or in front of the computer and search for the information which is better than looking for naked figures.
By the way there is a rumor on the Web saying that the reason all these porno sites are allowed to surface is to keep a distraction going on as not to use the Internet for more serious work, just a rumor I guess.
It may be a narrow vision of the events that took place in the history of our nation and I must have left out a whole lot in this article but the incident now is almost an issue of most advertisements and propaganda late at night with memorabilia coins and flags to sell.
The point is that the people involved or responsible for the incident are not caught 5 years after the fact, it says a great deal of the way things are being handled.
Why am I writing this article? The time of this writing is 0833 September 7 ,2006. I always have been proud of myself saying something of events to come, because it is simple to look at history and recognize similarities in events. I 'm not saying something is going to happen on September 11,2006, but caution is in order at this time. After all, it is the history of the date that I am concern about.

Incidents like this I like to think of the Samurai way, the "warriors" way.
I guess Sun Tzu was right in saying it is a way of life.

What do you think? Send an email.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006



Nobody hates war more than soldiers
Nobody loves peace more than warriors

I guess is a lazy effect but the business of war is a way of life for some people, including me.

The links bellow are for checking and if you want to help the people in the front whom they are fighting for our freedom. You will be surprise what a chocolate cookie can make a full grown man do in the front line so please send some to the troops.

On the front line at home, and I do not mean the borders, I will tell you about the ones that give and wait for the one they love only to see a different person return with a death wish from the war.

I saw this young lady at work day after day waiting and cry at times waiting for her fiancée to
return from Iraq, He was delay at least 3 times waiting for replacements. The sad part came went he finally made it to the states, she found a totally different "animal".
Getting drunk all the time, going in to fits for no reasons to the point were she is scared to be with him. She is a smart lady, she broke it up, but I can not help feeling sad that something had happen to brake a man that way.

I hope this conflict in Iraq does not finish like Vietnam.

I do know that it will take some time to heal and for this war to be over completely if ever.

I am of the believe that president bush should be drafted after his term, but that is me.

I also believe that Bin Laden should be taken care with a 50 cent bullet, because he is not worth more than that.

The real guilty parties I will discuss in a article title, "911 who's to blame?".

For now please support your troops because they are doing there job in protecting with their life this country and our way of life.

Please let me know what you think
